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The Alpha’s Little Rogue

Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Alessia’s POV 96% 11:22 As I walk into the training ground with Scarlett by my side, I involuntary start searching for Caden and find him in front of a punching bag and… staring at me? Nope. Glaring. Definitely glaring at me. 1 trail my eyes down his body and have to take a moment to appreciate just how fine he is. Dragging my eyes back up his body to his eyes, I find him still glaring atand that appreciation dies. 1 I avoid his gaze, turning my head away from him and laughing at something Scarlett just said. Scarlett has proved to be a reliable person and maybe even a friend. She showedto the training grounds and even promised to helpout with sbasic training skills. She walks ahead ofand picks up two dumbbells from a shelf pushed to the wall. She brings it over to where I’m standing. “These are one of the lightest weights. We’ll start with this and move on to sheavier ones. She passes them over toand I take them from her, barely hiding a groan at their weight. These were seriously sof the lightest? “Ok,” I say tentatively, wondering how many times I could lift this without seeming like a weakling. “Then afterward, we’ll take slaps around the track in human and wolf forms. Then move on to sbasic fighting skills, she informs, smiling reassuringly at me. “In no time, you’ll be able to hold your own in a fight. “Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate this.” I meant that. I want to learn how to fight and defend myself and I’m grateful to her for helpingout.

“Don’t mention-” Scarlett gets cut off as Caden stands between us. His green eyes are lit with the flames of hell as they burn. into mine. He grabs the dumbbells fromeffortlessly. Showoff.

“What on earth do you think you’re doing here?” He grits out, the vein on his neck popping out and distractingfor a second. Would that vein suddenly burst out one of these days? I trail my gaze away from it and back to his gaze. “Scarlett is teachinghow to fight since you wouldn’t.” That’s right girl. Stand up for yourself. So what if he looks like he’s five seconds away from stranglingand dumping my body in a dumpster? It’s not like he can do that with all these witnesses. He couldn’t…right? He turns over to Scarlett and I open my mouth, ready to defend her if I need to. Hold this for ma nvaccine the dumbbells over to her and Scarlett wordlessly takes them off Chapter 12 his hands. He turns back towith the fire still present in his eyes. “Cwith me.” He places his hand on the small of my back. To anyone, it looked like he was being a gentleman and guardingout of there but I knew better. I was about to get an earful from him out of the view of these unsuspecting people. I could have stood my ground and prevented him from draggingout, but something tellsthat would just make my situation worse. “I can walk by myself.” I whisper, taking care to keep my voice low to prevent the people with super hearing from eavesdropping. I could bet my left ear that half the people in here were straining their cars to get a whiff of our conversation. “Shut it. We’ll talk when we’re out of here,” he whispers back and continues leadingaway from the training grounds and in the direction of the pack house When we’re a few good feet away. he stops and lets go of my back. I almost whimper at the great feeling of loss that comes over me. Another second and I would have been begging him to put his hand back on me. Thankfully he starts talking. Or rather, yelling.

“What is wrong with you?!” He asks exasperatedly. “Do you just purposely go against my words to try and get a rise out of me?” I scoff. “You think highly of yourself don’t you.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret it. Why do I keep digging my grave deeper? Caden on the other hand looks about ready to burst into flames. If he was an animated character, I was very sure that he would have flames coming out of his head. Of all the things I expected, it wasn’t for Caden to just sigh and for his shoulders to deflate. “Just go back to the pack house,” he says, turning around and already dismissinglike I was an irate child. That’s it? He’s just going to walk away without even yelling or warningoff. Like he couldn’t even be bothered. Like I wasn’t worth it. I inust be a suck e r for punishment. That’s the only reason why I stop Caden by yelling, “I’ll tell people that we’re mates. Almost dramatically, Caden turns around, that fire back in his eyes and it makes me…happy? Was Caden right? Do I get off on riling him up? He walks back to me., What did you just say?” In a show of saving face, I cross my arms over my chest and jolt my chin out. “I’ll tell people we’re mates if you don’t lettrain.” Figuring out that the ball was in my court, I take it up a notch, “and you’ll be JJ MMB B B B B B BBBB Chapter 12 UZN 90% 11:22 trainingyourself.” What better way to learn something than to learn from the best? Caden looks atunbelievably. Then he chuckles. That chuckle turns into a laugh and that laugh

turns into a full-blown, belly-rumbling, knee-slapping laughter. What the hell? Did I just break Caden?