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Mistaken Match: Marrying the Enigmatic CEO by Ruby Fennimore

Chapter 15
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“Kill him! Kill him!” Fro’s orders ripped through the air, spurring the thugs into action. He might be

powerful, but he was only one person, so why should they be afraid of him? A dozen men charged

toward Emmanuel in the following second, clutching various weapons in their hands. Sheldon froze at

the unfolding scene, becoming aware of a strange tingling sensation at the top of his head. Milani took

advantage of the chaos to flee in her car. This is none of my business! The car suddenly screeched to

a halt some distance away, and she bolted out of the car, shocked by what she saw in the rearview

mirror. Emmanuel was fighting more than ten guys and seemed to be winning! “Are you kidding me?” A

shudder crept down her spine as one burly man after another collapsed on the ground. Sheldon

staggered to his feet after sitting on the ground, his legs still like jelly. Then, he knelt toward Emmanuel

in reverence. This man is too d*mn incredible and ruthless! Emmanuel’s savagery made fear crawl icily

up their spines. Emmanuel spat out a mouthful of blood and grabbed Fro by the collar, coldly asking,

“Will you tell me where Mr. Webber is now?” He, too, was wounded and bleeding after taking down

approximately ten guys, radiating a malevolent air that filled everyone with dread. “I-I’ll tell you!” It was

obvious he had taken lives. Otherwise, he wouldn’t exude such a violent aura. Fro swallowed audibly.

“I’m not sure about Mr. Webber’s itinerary, and I couldn’t contact him. He recently has the hots for the

head girl at The Paradise and will often frequent the establishment for pleasure.” The Paradise? As a

citizen of Yeringham, of course, Emmanuel had heard of its palatial area and hidden nooks and

crannies. It wouldn’t be easy to locate someone inside, but he would do it to complete the task given by

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Mackenzie. Emmanuel flung Fro away and turned to leave. Shocked to his core, Sheldon closed his

gaping mouth with effort and gave chase. “Emmanuel… I mean, Mr. Lowe, are you really going to look

for Mr. Webber?” Milani’s gaze shifted to Emmanuel after Sheldon posed the question, her heart

hammering. “Yes, and I need to get rid of all these people for Cloud Construction to complete the

project on time.” Sheldon, and especially Milani, was taken aback by his reply. Is he out of his mind?

He’s even more insane than I am for money! Emmanuel paid them no heed, immediately returning to

Yociam Residence to clean his wounds and rest for a few days. Mackenzie was still in a meeting in

Terence Group after working hours, discussing the company’s strategic warehouse project and how if it

weren’t utilized by the beginning of next month, Terence Group would lose out on a large number of

business deals and nearly one billion in profit. The shareholders were feeling the pressure, and in turn,

Mackenzie felt her stress mounting. At that moment, she thought of Emmanuel. A day has passed, and

he hasn’t updated me. How unreliable! “Lexi, check on the progress of Cloud Construction’s project

and update me immediately!” “Yes, Ms. Quillen!” she quickly replied. Lexi Summerton was Mackenzie’s

secretary, and her biggest responsibility was to keep Mackenzie updated on any and all progress. A

few minutes later, she approached Mackenzie and gave a detailed report. “Ms. Quillen, the Cloud

Construction project is still on hold and will not be completed by the end of the month. Representatives

from Terence Group went to the site today and got into a brawl with the thugs there.” “What?” Lexi was

startled by Mackenzie’s vehement response. Beatrix, who was seated beside Mackenzie, was shocked

at her animated expression. Mackenzie had always been an ice queen for as long as she could

remember. “What happened to our representatives?” Mackenzie asked nervously. Is Emmanuel dumb,

or what? Those thugs have nothing to do with Terence Group. Even if a fight broke out, Cloud

Construction should be the one to break it up. Why did he intervene? “Ms. Quillen, it seems like he left

after the fight. I’m not sure of the situation.” Lexi was still unaware that Emmanuel was Mackenzie’s

husband. She was bewildered by Mackenzie’s unusual manner and her display of concern for him.

“Dismissed!” Mackenzie rose to her feet and left the conference room. The senior management of

Terence Group exchanged puzzled looks at the sudden shift in her attitude. “Lexi, who sent out

representatives from Terence Group?” Beatrix inquired, still aghast. “It’s Emmanuel, Ms. Beatrix. He

had direct orders from Ms. Quillen.” “Oh, I see.” Realization dawned on Beatrix, and she bit her lip to

stifle a smile. Only she noticed that the switch in Mackenzie seemed to be precipitated by that man.

Mackenzie returned to Yociam Residence to bloody bandages strewn across the floor as soon as she

opened the front door while Emmanuel was dressing his wounds. Her brows drew together, and she

said coldly, “Do you have a death wish? To go up against them alone?” Emmanuel raised his head and

met her gaze, continuing his ministrations wordlessly. “What a jerk…” Mackenzie bristled with anger.

She had never been ignored, no matter what the circumstances or people. He really has a death wish.

She took in the injuries covering his entire body and the gashes still oozing blood from his back and

approached him to tend to his wounds. Whatever he did, he did it either for money or to bring her

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home. Emmanuel stilled when he felt her touch on his back. Color me surprised! Am I mistaken? Is this

proud woman tending to my wounds? He reflexively pulled away from her, worried that his sweat and

blood would dirty the hands of this germaphobe of a woman. “Don’t move!” Mackenzie barked, and it

was as if her voice held a sorcery that rendered Emmanuel immobile. Then, she applied the remaining

antiseptic on his back mercilessly, like she was kneading dough. Emmanuel yelled and jumped in pain,

snarling, “Are you trying to kill me?” Mackenzie wore an impassive expression. “Oh, you’re afraid of

pain? I thought you were invincible when you decided to fight with the thugs!” His anger rose at her

words, and although he wanted to yell, I did all that so you could accomplish your goal, the words were

stuck in his throat. She could tell what he was thinking by the unconcealed expression on his face,

even if he didn’t say a word. “Sit back down!” Mackenzie ordered sternly. Emmanuel frowned. It serves

me right that I can’t reach the wounds on my back. I have no choice but to sit back down. To his

surprise, her touch gentled, and everyone in Terence Group, especially Beatrix, would have a mental

breakdown if they witnessed this scene, wondering why a distinguished female CEO would minister to

a man. “If Cloud Construction’s engineering team can’t get on site to start work tomorrow, the project

will almost certainly not be completed by the end of the month. Can you get rid of those people?”

Mackenzie asked after a moment passed. In reality, there was nothing she could do to drive away

those thugs without hurting anyone. Emmanuel looked her square in the eye and gritted his teeth. “I’ll

give you an answer by tonight.” A tremor ran through Mackenzie’s body as her beautiful eyes took in

the bloodied man in front of her, and she was suddenly acutely aware of a wave of attraction that rode

over her senses.