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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 48
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Chapter 48

After Alyssa finished the chocolate, she put the remaining bar back in Sean’s breast

pocket and patted his chest. She said, “You’re pretty in shape.”

Sean’s heart thumped wildly, and he blushed. He was four years older than her. He had

visited the Taylor residence often when he was a kid. His father had been the head of KS

Group’s legal department and was valued by Winston very much.

Sean remembered that the first time he saw Alyssa was in the back garden of Heightsnew

Villa. He had spotted the pretty little girl from far off, and she had raced toward him


He had thought that he was dreaming, so he rubbed his eyes. She appeared before him

wearing a white dress that made her look like an angel. “Hey, do you have any candy?”

Alyssa hopped off her skateboard. She gave it a kick and caught it in her hand.

“Huh?” Sean was flustered and cursed at himself for having feelings for a girl younger

than him. However, she was just too beautiful. Who wouldn’t be mesmerized?

“It’s fine if you don’t …” Alyssa sighed in disappointment and put down her skateboard.

Just as she was about to leave, Sean grabbed her arm. It was so thin that he could clamp

his whole hand around it. “Wait a minute.” Sean retrieved a piece of chocolate from his

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pocket. He handed it to her and said, “Does this count?”

“Wow! Thank you!” Alyssa smiled brightly and took the chocolate. She ripped off the

wrapper at once and took a bite. Then, she smiled in satisfaction. (1)

From then on, Sean would bring chocolate or candy whenever he visited Heightsnew Villa

as if he were a candy seller. The habit lasted till this day. As long as Alyssa craved candy

and he was with her, then there would definitely be candy.

The atmosphere was heated at the press conference.

Dylan was very triggered as he stared at the reporter and shouted angrily, “I’m going to

say this again! There are no quality issues with any of the Gardner Group’s products! I

guarantee you personally!”

“Why did all the hotels under KS Group nationwide withdraw your products overnight if

there are no quality issues? Mr. Gardner, please give us a reasonable explanation. It

appears too suspicious,” said the reporter firmly. The chat on the Twitter livestream was in

an uproar.

“Guarantee it personally? That’s a powerful statement. I suddenly think that Mr. Gardner is

telling the truth.”

“It doesn’t mean much coming from someone like him.”

“I don’t care if there really are issues. I’m going to refund everything. I can’t even bear the

sight of Mr. Gardner. Couldn’t they have chosen another more likable spokesperson?”

“You guys want an explanation, don’t you? Fine! I’ll give you an explanation!” said Dylan.

With a threatening gaze, he said, “I do need to reflect on myself for letting something like

this happen. I made a mistake in my management. With hundreds of Elysian Home outlets

nationwide, it’s hard to check each one personally. I can’t do it all alone!

“Someone within Gardner Group acted selfishly and harmed the company’s interests.

We’ve taken action against that person and devised solutions to address the issues

caused. However, the person couldn’t have accomplished it on his own. Someone in KS

Group must have abetted him! Yet KS Group has pushed all responsibility to us. Isn’t this

too much?”

The crowd went into an uproar.

“Dylan is full of crap. How dare he drag the Taylor Group into this? How shameless!”

Xavier started defending the Taylor family. He couldn’t

bear Dylan’s shameless behavior.

Jasper’s gaze was sharp and cold.

“Bring up the evidence I found!” commanded Dylan. Instantly, photos and bank

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statements appeared on the big screen. “This is the chat history between KS World Hotel’s

manager, Michael Grant, and the manager of Elysian Home. The photos show them

meeting in private and Michael receiving a huge amount of bribes! (1)

“Gardner Group is not involved. It’s all because Michael Grant is corrupt. He colluded with

my employee to buy cheap materials! Gardner

Group is also a victim! KS Group protected itself and dragged us into trouble. Can a big

company bully others so openly? We have to use



Dylan got into his act better the more he spoke. He almost believed his own words! That

new CEO from the Taylor family couldn’t have guessed what he had had up his sleeve,

could she? She must be stunned! (1

He had decided to make Michael the scapegoat right from the start. So he had

intentionally left evidence since the first time he approached Michael. It was all so he

could use it as a trump card during a crisis!

Xavier clenched his fists and said, “This is bad. Now the online community is going to

attack Taylor Group. They’ll say that the Taylors are abusing their power and bullying small

businesses.” Jasper frowned. His expression was as cold as ice. Just as Dylan was enjoying

himself, a sharp noise blared from the speakers in the conference hall.