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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 34
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Chapter: 35

With fists clenched so tightly that her nails dug into her palm, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. Then, she smiled at him softly. Her alluring eyes made Carlos’s heart beat faster.

“One billion dollars.” Debbie squeezed out each of the words through her gritted teeth.

She doubted this man would really give her a billion dollars.

And sure enough, Carlos was stunned.

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But to Debbie’s surprise, he then scooped her up and threw her onto the bed.

“If you have the balls to ask for such an exorbitant price, let's see first if you’re worth that much.” As he spoke, he tore Debbie’s clothes apart.

Her delicate, fair skin was exposed instantly. Angry beyond belief,

Debbie balled up her fist and threw a punch at Carlos’s face.

“What the fuck, Carlos! Are you insane? Get off me!”

Carlos only seemed to enjoy seeing Debbie struggle. With a sly smile, he pressed her down and teased, “You have the audacity to try to seduce me, but not the balls to admit it.”

His warm breath grazed Debbie's bare skin, which gave her goose bumps. But Carlos’s provocation was enough to make her think clearly. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The atmosphere was thick with passion and romance. Carlos was surprised at her sudden act of affection and let his guard down. Debbie took this opportunity to knee him in the balls.

ALL the color immediately drained from Carlos’s handsface and his grip on Debbie’s body went slack. Debbie's smile grew even wider, and there was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Mr. Hilton, you can’t test the product without givingthe money first. No way in hell! Goodbye now.”

Ignoring the obvious pain in Carlos’s face, Debbie shook off his Limp hand and shimmied out from under him. Then, she left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Not far from the lounge, Curtis, Colleen, and Kasie were all waiting anxiously at the door with security guards. If Debbie didn’t cout ina few minutes, Curtis was going to have the guards storm in to rescue her. The content is on drama.org! Read the latest chapter there!

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“Debbie! Thank God, you're safe!” Kasie ran over and threw her arms around Debbie. The next moment, a thought occurred to her and she quickly let go of her friend to look her up and down urgently. The content is on drama.org! Read the latest chapter there!


Carlos do anything to you?”

“No,” Debbie answered flatly.

Hearing this, everyone exhaled sighs of relief. The content is on drama.org! Read the latest chapter there!