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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 22
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Chapter: 23

When the students heard the words “sleep with me”, they all turned to

Terence furiously.

“What the hell? How dare he say such a thing! Shon him!”

“Disgusting! Does he think he can force the campus belle to sleep with him just because his father is the dean of the school?!”

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“Hey, he also mentioned that he did it for Gail! Maybe Gail is behind this!

Everyone sided with Debbie now.

It never occurred to Terence that Debbie might have recorded their conversation. Before the recording finished playing, he rushed up to snatch her phone.

“Debbie, you fucking bitch!”


Brandon was so angry that his hands were shaking. He went up to Terence and kicked him on the shin. Terence immediately screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground, begging for mercy

“Dad-it’s not true. That recording is fake. I’m the one who was wronged. Gail can testify for me. Debbie tried to seduce me!”

It was clear that he was just desperate to save face.

As long as he didn’t admit he was wrong, with his father’s help, he could make his mistake sound less serious. Maybe he could even make it as if it never happened.

Gail had been annoyed when she heard that Terence had cheated on her and tried to hook up with Debbie, but since he was her backer, she had no choice but to speak up for him.

“Mr. Perez, I swear that Terence is innocen clasping her hands in front of her chest.

Gail said hurriedly,

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Debbie coldly watched them as they desperately tried to save face.

She opened her mouth and was about to say something when Carlos, who had been silent this whole time, suddenly spoke

“Then why don’t we check the audio?”

Debbie was taken by surprise as she didn’t expect Carlos to help her, but when she looked at him, she was met with his cold and indifferent eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat in response and she quickly looked away to avert his gaze.

However, as soon as she turned her head away, she immediately realized that there was no need to do that.

After all, she didn’t do anything wrong. Why should she feel guilty?

When Carlos saw Debbie’s sheepish reaction, he sneered in his heart,

“Is she feeling guilty now?’