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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 1844
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“You used to bugall the time! What’s changed?”

Blair’s heart broke.

“Everything, that’s what. We’re done. I don’t want to put up with your antics anymore. And I don’t want to cry for you ever again. You think I still love you after what you’ve done? In your dreams! Boo… hoo…”

Although she said she didn’t want to cry for him ever again, her tears betrayed her, streaming down her cheeks.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

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Wesley was shocked when he saw her tears. ‘She’s in the wrong business.

Translator? Try actress, * he thought.

“Wesley, you asshole!” she said, voice hoarse from crying. She was choking on her heartbreak.

Wesley held her hands softly and asked in the softest tone, “Why are you crying?”

“You just said I seduced you. I feel cheap.” She wouldn’t admit that she seduced Wesley.

She cried more after saying that. Wesley’s heart was crushed. He wiped her tears with his rough palm and said hurriedly, “No, that’s not it.”

“I didn’t seduce you. You did that. I wanted to move on, but you insisted we live under the sroof. Now you’re accusingof seducing you… Boo…hoo…” She was really hurt by his words this time. She had a crush on him years ago. And now, after all the tthey spent together, she loved him even more deeply.

“Please don’t cry.” His voice was soft yet helpless.

Blair shook her head. Tears fell out of her eyes, blurring her vision.

She stared at him and said, “I can’t. You don’t understand how much that hurts. You humiliated me.”

“Is she crying because my words hurt her or because I humiliated her?”

Wesley had no clue.

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“Don’t cry, okay? Let’s talk,” he coaxed.

“Boo…hoo…” Blair was done listening to him. She was going to cry until she felt vindicated. She knew Wesley couldn’t deal with her tears.

“Sorry, my fault. Just stop crying. Blair, tears won’t solve anything.”

Her pained expression made his heart ache-a lot. He wished he could turn back tand give himself a good punch in the face.

“I know my tears won’t work on you. Seeingcry does nothing for you.

You probably think I’m annoying,” Blair sniffed.

“Boo…hoo… Just get away from me. Go! I don’t want to see you. Do you hear me?”

That was her strategy; she was retreating in order to advance. Deep down, she sneered and thought, ‘I have you now, Wesley! You’re all mine!”

Wesley really didn’t know how to make her stop crying, and had to say,