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Be Eaten Up with Love

Chapter 40: I Only Want You
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Chapter 40: I Only Want You

I gloomily looked at his back and felt jealous.

Originally, It was such woman who could stand beside him and match with him.

She was so elegant, generous and smart. It was true that he was going to marry a noble woman after he owned the status.

She was such a well-educated, beautiful woman with good quality who was totally different from me.

The world was so realistic that swere meant to be loved by parents, to get the best resources after born.

She was held in the palm to grow up. She was born superior to others. She didn’t worry about eating and wearing since childhood. She lived in a villa, drove luxury cars, dressed brand clothes. She grew up and studied broad, then return homeland to find a man with equal status. Then she wouldn’t worry for the whole life.

I felt sense of inability for being oppressed by fate. I suddenly wanted to fight. I would force Wayne to have no other way but marryeither by schemes or tricks.

Such idea rooted inside my heart as soon as it was produced. It incitedlike a drug addiction to have a bond with Wayne.

I went back the room with the sense of loss. I drank one bottle of beer then a half of the second bottle.

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“Lydia, what’s wrong with you? Are you stimulated by the wind?” Merlin confusedly looked atafter vomiting in the toilet.

“I am thirsty. Can’t drink for my thirsty?”

“Of course you can. If they aren’t enough, I will ask for two boxes again. I don’t care Richard’s money.”


We played so well and there were various grounds. Soon, I drank too much.

After vomiting in the toilet, I staggered to go back while holding the wall.

At that moment, the door behindsuddenly opened, and after steady footsteps, there was familiar voice suddenly raising beside my ears.

“Mr. Gilbert, take care.”


My body froze suddenly, and my hands trembled. Then I turned around with rigid head.

Wayne stood at the door surrounded by a crowd. When he raised his head and noticedfrom the corner of his eyes. His calm face suddenly changed and looked unbelievable.

“Lydia, why... are you here?” While he frowned, he stared atwith deep eyes. His expression restored indifference after transient change.

“If you can be here, why not me?” I felt dizzy because of drinking.

There was an old saying that drinking made people brave. I becbrave after drinking.

Staggering towards him, I held his neck by my hands and actively as well as bravely kissed his lips.

“Lydia, who sent you here? Look how drunk you are!” He pushedaway with anger.

Seeing how mad he was, I was suddenly in good mood!

“Wayne, you are like a state magistrate who sets fire himself but doesn’t allow the citizens to light candles. If you can bring a beauty to have fun here, why can’t I drink and dream?” I shamelessly leaned against him.

He smelled good. A little wine aroma was mixed among the fresh aroma.

I raised my head and stood on my toes to kiss his lips.

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He pusheda bit, I didn’t reply. Instead, I tried hard to open his teeth to go deep and kiss with his tongue. He frowned and looked atwith anger. I smiled.

Usually, he did such things toevery time. Today, I finally changed my role!

I wasn’t good at kissing. Even I was unfamiliar with it. However, it was such unfamiliar kiss that seduced Wayne’s desire.

Soon, he had response and breathed hurriedly......

Looking at each other, the crowd noticed that we wouldn’t separate and it was out of control!

Perhaps, they got used to rich people’s game. They looked at each other, then looked at us with evil smile then said goodbye to leave in a hurry.

“Lydia, you are getting naughtier.” He stopped kissing with cold face. Then he tookinto the room he was in before.

Closing the door, he gave $1000 of tip to the waiter, “No one is allowed to cwithin one hour.”

The waiter knowingly looked at us, “No problem, Sir.”

Under the dim light in the room, the noisy music almost broke my ears. Wayne turned down the sound and stepped towards me.

I smiled at him, “Wayne, are men all like you who always prefer women outside your house?”

“Lydia, I spoil you and care you. But don’t be so fearless on the basis of my kindness. I don’t mind you sleep withfor Geoffrey. What are you doing now? You get so drunk in such place. Would you like another night stand tonight?”