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Be Eaten Up with Love

Chapter 31: Take What They Need from Each Other
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Chapter 31: Take What They Need from Each Other

"Taking what we need from each other, what a nice words! Lydia, what kind of woman I have not met! If you are at least a little smart then you must know that you will not get any good ending if you use me." His lips were pulled and he looked atsneering.

"Wayne, is that because you are falling in love withsince you care about the reason that I get in relation with you?"

I saw him pulled a cigarette from the box, lighted it up and smoked for several times. In the smoke, I saw the elegant face of him and he looked atwith a sneering sight. It seemed like what I said was a kind of funny joke.

"Lydia, you are feeling so good about yourself. Where you get that I fall in love with the kind of woman like you who has a impure mind? You fucked you several times only because your body fits my taste!"

This was the first tthat I heard the rude words from him, explaining the relationship between us with such dirty words.

I did a self-mockery with a smile. I was really out of my mind these time. Merlin was right. If a man was being vicious to you, a random words could stab and hurt you easily. Wayne only savedonce and did good toin daily life. Spoiled me, indulgedso all those madefeeling presuming that he fell in love with me!

The man like him would indulge you and protect you if he was happy. When you violated his wish, the relationship between you and him would break down instantly!

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It had to always be remembered that, betweenand him, we were only buddy calls. We could never be lovers. Our body could badger with each other but our hearts would never be together.

" Since we are buddy calls, you play with my body, why don't I use you to revenge on Geoffrey? You are ruthless toand you dare to wantto fall in love with you deeply and fuck for free?"

My heart went cold completely. It was hurt and trembling with a tearing pain.

He may never expectedto refute him straightly like this. He glared atwith his eyes wide open," Get away from my sight!"

I saw the indifference from his eyes, turned around with a firm hand and walked away without turning back my head.

After I got out from Wayne's home, the tears I endured for a long tflowed down, crying as I was walking. I was aggrieved like a little abandoned pity. I lost myself and went back to my rent little home. I was stupefied and sat on the bed, my helpless sight was full of vast and hazy.

I stayed at hin the next two days. I did not get out of my hexcept buying sfood outside. I had to heal the wounds on my face and the wounds in my heart by the way!

I lived in chaos for two days. Wayne did not contactat all in these two days. I looked at the missed calls. There were only calls from Merlin and Katherine. The number with a four eight ending had never appeared again.

I knew, the proud man like Wayne, would weedout immediately when he was hurt by the raised thorn of mine.

It did not have to be suspicious of I beca past lover from a new one.

It was a lie to say that I was not sad. We were together for all those nights anyway. It left a wound on my heart somehow. But my ability of recovering was very good. The wound was recovered by myself with a short time.

Since I beca ex-buddy call, it was making sad mood for nothing to keep the number. Since Wayne cut the connection with me, it should be cut totally. Keeping the number, what if I had something wrong with my fingers and made a worry call...

I found his number in my phone, after a short hesitating, I put the number in the blacklist finally, left it with the number of Geoffrey.

Then I found the number of Chief James I saved before and called it.

The information ofand Wayne broke up had not spayed out at the moment so I had to find the trace of my sister in hurry. Chief James was a good way.

I had worked on wording for a long tand then I explained what happened carefully," Chief James, I knew that this is a difficult one, but could you get around regulations and helpwith this!"

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"Miss Toland, the case had past 14 years. The only suspect caught had already dead. And the evidences were already ruined totally. The chance of finding your sister is little. I advise you to investigate from other ways. Your father offended a lot of people before. You can investigate from that and you may find sclues."

I had a bitter smile. I already tried the suggestion of Chief James. But the people my father offended before had already becsbig shots now. They were either raising ranks in the officialdom, or dominating in business.

As for me, how could I fight with them?

"Chief James, to be honest, I already tried the method you said. But the people that my father offended are not kinds of people that I could fight with now. That's why I would like to ask you to check the traffickers caught these years!"

Chief James sighed," Miss Toland, the suspects who already in the jail will not admit the guilt they made in the past again. Only a stupid one will do the thing that will make their punishment heavier! Therefore, investigate from the police system is nearly impossible."

Chief James was right. The case was like walking into a dead end.

Then, Chief James said something to persuadeto give up. He sent his respect to Wayne then hung up the phone.

I saw the screen of the phone becdark and shrunk in the sofa powerlessly. The only hope turned to hopeless now.

This really hurta lot. I was ill at the night. I got fever with a body temperature of 40 degree centigrade and I was dizzy since the fever. Even more, I was to absent-minded that I saw the illusion of Wayne sitting on the end of my bed.

I assumed I was too ill. I felt faintly Wayne taking care ofwithout sleeping or resting for the whole night. He cleaned my body forand lower my heat by a warm towel and fedpills. Finally, he even heldin arms and read the ' Please lovedeeper my president' that put on the end of my bed.